How Much Water Should a Dehumidifier Collect in a Day

Author: Deye

A dehumidifier is a recent invention to improve the quality of air in an environment. It maintains the relative humidity levels in your space.

Dehumidifiers absorb water from the air and reduce the humidity levels to provide a more comfortable environment. The reduced humidity also means protection against dust mist, mildew, mold growth.

Many buildings suffer from humidity problems, especially in places with poor ventilation. The humidity level is defined by the amount of water vapor in the air. A dehumidifier is an essential device for every home or business place. It’s an effective way to improve air quality in your environment.

Many users ask specific questions such as how much water a dehumidifier should collect in a day and what I can do if my dehumidifier collects less water.

How Much Water Should a Dehumidifier Collect in a Day

The amount of water a dehumidifier can collect in a day is relative. Typically, a dehumidifier can collect between 10 pints of water to 100 pints. However, it will depend on the dehumidifier capacity and the humidity at home. Other factors that can determine how much water a dehumidifier collects in a day also include:

  • The room temperature
  • RH levels
  • The amount of moisture present in the air.
  • The power level of the machine
  • Size of the water collector
  • Fan speed

These factors can affect the amount of moisture a dehumidifier can absorb and empty into the water collector.

Electric dehumidifiers will have a water tank. As previously mentioned, a dehumidifier tank can affect the amount of water that will be collected. Desiccant dehumidifiers function without water collection because they absorb water. They are recharged to perform the function of maintaining humidity levels.

Electric dehumidifiers will always collect water, even though the quantity collected will depend on the performance of the dehumidifier and the size of the water collector tank. Users will also need to manually empty the tank or use a drain hose.

The frequency in which you empty the tank will depend on how often you run the dehumidifier, the capacity of the water, and the amount of moisture collected.

How does a Dehumidifier Collect Water?

The dehumidifier works in a simple and interesting way. Many users expect the technicalities involved to be confusing and the dehumidifier difficult to operate. However, this is not the case. When you run your device, the airflow from the room enters the dehumidifier. The room size will determine the quantity of air that is drawn into the dehumidifier.

The air passes over the coils that have extremely low temperatures with the help of a refrigeration system. Consequently, water vapor undergoes condensation resulting in liquid water that is collected in a water tank.

How Long Does it Take for a Dehumidifier to Start Collecting Water?

On average, a dehumidifier begins to collect water as soon as it is switched on. The time taken for a dehumidifier to fill the collection tank can be anywhere between 6-8 hours for a 2-liter tank. The power consumption, humidity level in the room, and how long you run the dehumidifier can play a significant role in this estimated time.

Why is my Dehumidifier Running but not Collecting Water?

There are several reasons why your dehumidifier may not collect water.

  1. If the humidity and RH levels are maintained, your device may not collect any moisture. The ambient temperature has to be above 65 degrees Fahrenheit for dehumidifiers to collect water.
  2. The dehumidifier fan motor may be faulty and require attention
  3. If the temperature becomes very low, the moisture can freeze the coils causing a drop or complete halt in water collection. Fortunately, most dehumidifiers come with an auto-defrost function.
  4. A failed capacitor or overload protection problems can also interfere with the water collection process.

Which is Best Between a Refrigerant, Desiccant or Non- electric Dehumidifier?

Refrigerant Dehumidifiers 

These are suitable for a room temperature above 15 degrees, especially when drying laundry. They also have the lowest running cost per liter. This makes them a common choice for heated homes. The higher-end refrigerant models come with a hot-gas defrost, which reduces the running costs.

Desiccant Dehumidifiers

On the other hand, desiccant dehumidifiers are better suited for unheated rooms. They can also serve as an alternative to an electric heater bringing the cost of running a heater to the barest minimum. A desiccant dehumidifier is also lightweight and less noisy than refrigerant dehumidifiers.

The Non-electric Dehumidifiers 

They are also referred to as moisture absorbers and use calcium chloride. It absorbs moisture present in the air and dissolves calcium chloride in the process. They are suitable for small rooms that lack electric power.

The running cost of the non-electric dehumidifier is high compared to the amount of water it collects. They also require immediate refill when the container is full.

When Does a Dehumidifier Stop Collecting Water

One of the functions of a dehumidifier is to bring the humidity level under control. When this happens, the dehumidifier will reduce moisture extraction, thereby putting a stop to water collection. Most dehumidifiers come with a humidistat that supports this automatically, allowing users to enjoy convenience and a smooth operation.

Why is my Dehumidifier Filling up Quickly?

Suppose you have excess moisture in the air or a rise in the humidity level. In that case, this can cause your dehumidifier to fill up quickly. A humidity detector can help you keep track of the humidity level in your home and why your dehumidifier is filling up so fast.

Can a Dehumidifier Help with a Wet Carpet?

A dehumidifier is effective in drying up or removing moisture from a carpet. It is also helpful in preventing foul odor, mold, and mildew.

Deye has high-quality dehumidifiers that are efficient and long-lasting. Whether you need it for a residential or commercial property, we can meet your needs. To place an order, please contact us on the number available on our website. One of our representatives will be delighted to attend to you.